Change the sender of the SMS

To change the sender of the SMS you need to access your User Area and click on the icon in the “SMS” section (see -> how to use the SMS sending service) SMS sender: describes the string (and its validation status) required by the SMS service for...

Management of the SMS director

By clicking on the icon on the main SMS service access page, you can manage the address book dedicated to the VOIspeed SMS service. IMPORTANT. The SMS address book is logically distinct from the UCloud PBX address book; this is to avoid that contacts that are not...

Schedule the mass sending of SMS

By clicking on the icon on the main access page to the SMS service, the mask for creating a new message with scheduled mass sending will start. The meaning of the various fields is as follows: Sending date: allows you to decide the day and time when the system will...

How to use the SMS sending service

To send SMS you must first have activated the SMS service (to find out how, see “How to activate the SMS sending service“). Once the service has been activated, it will be possible to send individual SMS from your VOIspeed UI or to plan bulk SMS sending through your...

How to retrieve your voicemail messages from the UI

To retrieve your voicemail messages from the UI, you need to access the reports section by clicking on the icon . In this section you will find the call reports, divided into missed, received and sent calls, recorded calls and voicemail messages. In the case of...