Yealink T2X IP Phones Configuration

The configuration of the terminals certified by VOIspeed should always be carried out with the Autoprovisioning function.

Configuration of Yealink T2X Series IP Phones

Yealink T2eP IP phones with default settings automatically search for a DHCP server on the network during boot to obtain a valid IP address.


Configuration is done via the web, by connecting with a browser to the phone’s IP address. Obtain the phone’s IP from the DHCP server monitoring or directly from the phone by pressing the Menu softkey (bottom right below the display) and accessing the Status section.

Once connected via the web, the administrator’s username and default password are both set to “admin”. Below we indicate the parameters to be modified with respect to the default configuration, referring to a generic user created on the VOIspeed PBX with the following credentials:

username: 399
password: 3434343xyz!
internal: 399
VOIspeed server ip address:
VOIspeed server domain:


We list below the parameters to be modified

Line Active: Enabled
Label: Your Name (indifferent for registration purposes)
Display Name: Your Name (indifferent for registration purposes)
Register Name: username of the VOIspeed user (eg: 399)
User Name: internal user VOIspeed (eg. 399)
Password: password of the VOIspeed user (e.g. 3434343xyz!)
Enable Outboud Proxy Server: Enabled
Outbound Proxy Server: IP address of the PBX (ex:
Port: SIP port used by the PBX. Indicate: – 5060 for the On Premises platform,
– 5058 for the Cloud T26P Account register platform
T26P Account register
NOTE: The SIP listening port in UCloud environment for SIP terminals is different for each company. Therefore the fields in question will be according to the cases, therefore it is necessary to consult in the settings of the PBX which is your port. Connect to the Configuration → Company menu and see the value of the SIP Port parameter in the Properties pane.listening_SIP_port_phones


SIP Server 1
Server Host: PBX domain (e.g. Attention: the domain name must be entered in the xxxxxxxx.yyyy format (eg: miazienda.pbx,, società.it, etc.).
Port: is the SIP port used by the PBX: indicate 5060
Server Expires: recommended value between 60 and 120 (in seconds)
For VOIspeed 4, enter the IP address of the VOIspeed server.

After completing the entry of the above parameters, click on Confirm.

In this section it is important to ensure that at least the PCMA codec (G.711) is present.
For the rest, it is good to organize the list of codecs in decreasing quality (and, therefore, increasing in terms of bandwidth usage optimization).
Codecs T19P
In this section it is possible to configure the behavior of the telephone when the SW Transfer key is pressed during a call in order to modify its default value.

  • Blind Transfer: by selecting this item, the default behavior of the phone will be to initiate a blind transfer to the number entered after pressing the SW Transfer key;
  • Attended Transfer: by selecting this item, the default behavior of the telephone will be to initiate a supervised transfer to the number entered after pressing the SW Transfer key.
TransferMode Yealink


In this section you can configure how the phone sends DTMF tones. Use the following settings:
DTMF Type: RFC2833
DTMF Payload Type: 101



Set the Time Zone parameter to the value “+1 Italy (Rome)” to the value “+1 Italy (Rome)”



The phone natively supports click to dial, i.e. the ability to make calls sent from the users GUI. However, the function must be activated in the terminal configuration of the PBX. In the Toolbox – Terminals section, locate the Yealink SIP-T26P user agent (you can also search for the string “yealink” in the “search” field to locate the terminal). If the user agent is not present it will be necessary to register the first telephone. After identifying the user agent of the phone, enter into edit and enable the “click to dial supported” function.

Yealink click to call


The telephone line keys and expansion modules, if present, can be used to view the status of the switchboard extensions and to make calls quickly. To configure a BLF key go to the DSSKey menu.

BLF Configuration

Do not modify the first row of the table (Line Key1) because it represents the line connected to the switchboard. Then start from the second line (Line Key2) and set:
Type: BLF
Value: internal of the desired user
Line: account configured on the phone to which to connect the BLF
Extension: leave the field blank

The LED associated with the button will indicate the status of the extension (the graphic part is always fixed) in this mode:

green: user free or off
flashing red: user is ringing
steady red: user busy


Warning: this procedure, if intended to differentiate the internal bells, can be avoided in the new version 6.5.X for PBX, since now it is the switchboard that sends the type of call (internal / external) to the terminals, using the SIP Alert method. Info. For information see this article.

It is possible to import the switchboard extensions into the local phone book and specify a desired ringtone for them so that external calls can be distinguished from internal ones. Follow the steps below:

  1. Enter the WEB administration of the phone
  2. Go to the Directory / Local directory section
    yealink-import rubrica
  3. Click on the Import Csv button as in the image below:
  4. Import the appropriately modified file according to the template available here, customizing the display_name, office_number, ring and group_id_name fields