Polycom V-6060 IP Phone Configuration

The configuration of the terminals certified by VOIspeed should always be carried out with the Autoprovisioning function

VOIspeed IP6060 configuration

The VOIspeed IP6060 IP phone with default settings automatically searches for a DHCP server on the network during boot. The DHCP server, in addition to providing an IP address to the phone, can possibly also provide the IP address of an FTP, TFTP or HTTP server (FTP by default) to update the firmware of the phones themselves, save and / or load the configuration (function called autoprovisioning) and save the phone boot log.

The VOIspeed IP6060 phones come out with the Firmware version 4.0.10. The firmware versions supported and certified with the VOIspeed server are 4.0.X and 4.0.X. Later versions or versions specific to the Lync system are not supported

Phone configuration

Configuration is done via the web, by connecting with a browser to the phone’s IP address. You can get the phone’s IP from monitoring the DHCP server or directly from the phone, by pressing the (Menu), Status (2), Network (2), TCP / IP parameters (1) keys.

Once connected via the web, the default administrator password is 456. Below we indicate the parameters to be changed with respect to the default configuration, referring to the web interface in Italian. The language is usually detected automatically based on the browser settings, but can be changed manually from the menu at the top right.

Settings -> Audio Codec Priority

The codecs of the phone can be configured, in most cases, as shown below.

The L16 codec (high quality codec) will be put in first place, in second place the G.711A and lastly the G.729.
If the telephone is to be installed in a remote location, leave only the G.729 and G711A in the In Use column.

Preferences -> Date and time

Display format

Choose your preferred display format

Synchronization now

SNTP server: it.pool.nt.org (or your preferred NTP server)
Time Zone: (GMT + 1: 00)

Summer time

Daylight Saving Time: Active
Start date: Last Sunday March (3.00 am)
End date: Last Sunday October (3.00)

Settings -> Lines

Line1 – Identification

Display name: Name and surname of the user or name of convenience
Address (for VOIspeed 4): extension @ IP_address of the_server (e.g. 3749@
Address (for VOIspeed 6): extension @ <company_domain>; (ex: 3749@miazienda.com)
Authentication user ID: username of the user
Authentication password: user password
Label: nickname (short) shown on the phone display
Line calls: 4 by default, reduce the value to 1 if you want an incoming call to be rejected (busy) if you are already engaged in a conversation. To use the phone in tandem with the VOIspeed 4 IP Client, set this value to 2.

Server 1

Address: IP address of the VOIspeed server
Port: 5060 for the On premises platform, 5058 for the Cloud platform, XXXX for the UCloud platform (see note below),
Expires (s): set a value between 60 and 120
Record: Yes

NOTE: The SIP listening port in UCloud environment for SIP terminals is different for each company. Therefore the fields in question will be according to the cases, therefore it is necessary to consult in the settings of the PBX which is your port. Connect to the Configuration → Company menu and see the value of the SIP Port parameter in the Properties box.

SIP Settings section

Number Mapping Mismatch: Set the value to 2

Interaction between phone and UI

To bring the GUI to the foreground when you pick up the phone (after a couple of seconds) you need to set the Telephony Event Notification and select the “Handset off hook” event in the Applications section (Settings – Applications).

URL: Enter the string http: // IPserver address: 3543 / polycom? <Extension_number> @ <company_domain>

Where is it:

IP Server Address: is the IP of the PBX (corresponds to the “PBX IP address” configured in the Configuration section? System of the PBX)
Port: 3543;
<extension_number>: is the extension number of the user associated with the GUI, and
<company_domain>: is the company domain as configured in the switchboard


Download the V-6060 user manual