I can’t display the balloons in systray using the GUI on windows 8

Starting from version 6.2 of the VOIspeed, the PC GUI notifies the user of all his activities (incoming call or a new test message, new missed calls, new voicemail messages, etc…) through the appearance of a balloon in the PC systray.

If you are using Windows 8 and are unable to view these balloons, the problem is related to an incorrect configuration of the Windows system registry; to solve it is enough:

  • Open the registry (from the Run menu or with the short-cut Windows + R, type regedit)
  • go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER–> Software–> Microsoft–> Windows–> CurrentVersion–> Explorer–> Advanced
  • Find or create the EnableBalloonTips key (32-bit DWORD format)
  • Set or change its value to ‘1’
  • Close the registry

Once these operations have been carried out, it will be necessary to restart Windows to make them operational.