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How to search for a contact between the UI extensions

If you need to search for a contact among the UI extensions, you can find it in the section dedicated to users accessible by clicking on the icon . Users can be organized by groups or departments. The departments created by the administrator will be automatically...

How to search for a contact in the UI phone book

To search for a contact in the UI phone book, simply access the Phone Book from the icon and type the keyword (name, surname, company, or telephone number) corresponding to the contact in the search field (see Note). The search for the contact starts when at least two...

How to manage the forwarding status of your UI

By using forwarding, you can forward calls arriving at your extension to another extension of the PBX, an external number or your mobile phone (for more information,  see the Call Actions page). The forwarding status is signaled by the GUI to the user as shown in the...

How to interpret the status of the switchboard extensions

The VOIspeed UCloud UI allows you to have an immediate view of the status of the switchboard extensions. The possible states are coded by the color of the user avatar sticker ¢ and are as follows: Free User User in DO NOT DISTURB internal mode which do not receive...