The IP phone hangs up the call while it is ringing or calling

Polycom and Yealink phones, but most IP terminals in general, are factory configured to reject incoming calls if they remain ringing for more than 60 seconds.
In the PBX log the corresponding SIP message sent by Polycom is a 603 DECLINE, while the Yealinks reject the call with a 486 Busy). If you want to change this default behavior, you need to set a parameter via the configuration file. VOIspeed provisioning already corrects this behavior so configuring phones via this feature won’t have any problems. However, in cases where the phones have already been configured without provisioning, it is necessary to proceed manually, under penalty of resetting the phone to the factory settings and carrying out the provisioning. Here’s how to do it:

Polycom terminals

  1. Export the phone configuration using the Utility – Backup & Restore function
  2. Modify the file with an advanced text editor (eg Notepad ++) and add in the <WEB section, the string call.offeringTimeOut = ”XXX”, where XXX indicates the number in seconds after which the phone declines the call. Enter 0 (zero) to ensure that the phone never rejects the call.
  3. Save the file then upload the same with the restore procedure (Utility menu – Restore Phone)
  4. The phone will reboot

Similarly, Polycom phones autonomously close an outgoing call that is ringing for over 60 seconds (in the PBX log you will see a normal CANCEL signal arriving from the phone. In this case the parameter to be configured is call.ringBackTimeOut = “XXX” , which must be inserted in the same section and in the same way as the previous parameter.

Yealink terminals

The configuration should preferably be done through the provisioning of the PBX: otherwise it is necessary to export the phone configurations in text format “Export CFG Configuration File” (T19P phones do not allow this type of export) and add the string in a new line of the file account.X.ringback_duration_time = 3600, where X is the phone’s account number (X = 1 for single-user phones).
Save the file and put it back into your phone (in some cases you may need to reset the phone before uploading the file).
Alternatively, create a new test file with the extension .cfg, where the first line is #! Version:, the second line is the previous string. The file must therefore consist of at least two lines (the lines beginning with the # symbol, except the first, represent a comment):

#! version:
# Setup for the first phone account
account.1.ringback_duration_time = 3600
# Configuration for the second phone account
account.2.ringback_duration_time = 3600
# Configuration for the third phone account
account.3.ringback_duration_time = 3600

and so on.
Note: this parameter is valid for FW versions equal to or higher than xx.73.40